Thursday, April 5, 2012

Goodbye Grocery Store Meat

Last night, sitting comfortably on my overstuffed couch, I cried, "JOE! I'm becoming a vegetarian!!!"

The Reason Why

  Okay, well I'm not really going to become a vegetarian, but I am definitely reforming my buying habits. Though I'm not a huge meat eater, this isn't exactly something my husband would have expected to come out of my mouth. I admittedly love hamburgers, enjoy turkey and fish and the occasional grilled chicken breast. However (one trip to the grocery store too late), I watched River of Waste: The Hazardous Truth About Factory Farms. After seeing the hazardous, unsanitary, disgusting, cruel ways in which most of our grocery store meat is "farmed," I'm making a conscious decision to NEVER purchase meats from anywhere but a local, humane, and biosustainabele farm.
  Now, I'm not about to join a PETA campaign or throw red paint on someone wearing a fur jacket. But blatant, complete disregard and disrespect for a living creature is just too much--especially considering the fact that these creatures are giving up their lives to sustain ours. Chickens and other live stock are kept cramped, sick and miserable until they are carted off to slaughter. They are thrown, kicked, shoved, & jammed in to trucks and other vehicles, often resulting in broken bones and other injuries. The methods used to slaughter the animals is cruel. Watch this. Uugh!


Our Attitude Has to Change Before Anything Else Will

  When Native Americans would kill an animal for food, they would exchange offerings of thanks, and say prayers, asking for forgiveness because of their needs. Then, the would utilise EVERY single part of the animal, to make sure that the gift of its life was not disrespected or wasted. How different we are from that. How different we could be from what we are now, if only we would make an effort. Find a local farm that raises their animals in a respectful, kind manner, a farm that slaughters humanely and realises the value of the animals. 

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